20 centuries after Jesus said “go into all the world and make disciples”, 1800 areas in Japan are not only unreached, but also remain unchurched and have been unengaged for their whole history or else for several decades.
All the areas still without their first church are rural.
The Rural Japan Church Planting Network:
- encourages broader awareness, engagement, and collaboration in planting churches (or another lasting gospel presence) in all of Japan’s remaining unchurched areas.
- provides a means for pastors and missionaries who serve in similar situations in rural Japan to fellowship, exchange ideas and information, and encourage one another.
- serves as a rural Japan church planting information clearing house (including downloadable bilingual prefectural, regional, and national maps and database of all unchurched areas).→ See Unchurched Area Maps
- helps connect short-term and long-term prospective missionaries with potential service opportunities (such as via Adopt 800 Japan).→ More on Adopt 800 Japan
“How can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”
—Romans 10:14, 15
- Regional gatherings with a partial or sole focus on rural church planting and outreach. Please e-mail for details if you would like to join a regular regional gathering in Aomori/Akita/Iwate or North Kyushu, or to start one in your region of Japan.