Our Activities.
Main activities and opportunities to connect your passion with that of others through RJCPN include:

Research, Mapping, and Building Awareness
RJCPN made and updates 47 prefectural, 9 regional, and national maps showing all 1800 unchurched areas in Japan and the 809 highest priority ones. Please inform us if you know of any changes. Feel free to use the downloadable maps to share the need for pioneer church plants in rural Japan with your church, throughout Japan, and in your home country. Or consider using them to pray with others in your prefecture about how to reach the unreached areas on your prefecture’s map.
See maps
Prayer and Newsletter
An electronic rural Ministry Prayer and Newsletter, distributed every 2 months by email, goes to about 200 people on 5 continents. Send in your rural ministry prayer requests (up to 150 words)! Prayer profiles for the unchurched rural areas of each prefecture are under development.
Seminars and conferences
Rural church planting seminars are held annually, with four having been held to date in Sendai, Okayama, Gifu, and Fukuoka. RJCPN also holds electives, has display tables, or otherwise represents rural Japan’s needs at various conferences, such as the biannual CPI Conference.
Information clearing house related to rural Japan church planting,
such as offering introductions of inquirers interested in short- or long-term rural missions to those who may be a possible receiving ministry. Email to share or request information, resources, or introductions.
Articles and Video Trainings
RJCPN encourages those with experience in rural Japan church planting to occasionally contribute an article for consideration by Japan Harvest magazine. RJCPN also is developing video trainings on various topics that will be put on the RJCPN website. If interested in making a training video, please be in touch.
Facebook Group
You are encouraged to connect with one another; share tips, prayer requests, resources, etc. related to rural church planting and ministry; and see notices of seminars and other opportunities.
Regional Gatherings
Join in your region of rural church planters, pastors, missionaries, or those interested in helping to for prayer, information and idea exchange, mutual encouragement, sharing struggles and joys, and dreaming together with those serving in similar situations. This may spark direct concrete collaboration among those who get acquainted through such gatherings. Email for information about gatherings in Akita/Aomori/Iwate and in North Kyushu. Miyagi/Fukushima and Hokkaido gatherings may form soon. It is hoped such gatherings will exist in all regions by the end of 2018. Email if you’d like to start one in your region.
Adopt 800 Japan
this is a newly launched program to encourage adopting for prayer, seed sowing, or church planting the 809 top priority areas among the 1800 unchurched areas or committing to send recurrent short-term teams to assist rural church plants underway in such areas.
Behind the Scenes
Much is done behind the scenes to enable the above, as well as new projects. Assist behind the scenes with specific projects online. If experienced in rural church planting, opportunities for involvement in an advisory group or in leading specific ongoing or new projects sometimes exist. RJCPN desires to expand into new areas such as rural member care, various resource directories, further training options, and such as capacity allows. You are welcome to suggest new projects or share your passion. Please contact the RJCPN coordinator directly at dawndb1@hotmail.com to further explore contributing behind the scenes.